Little Acts of Kindness

“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted” - Aesop

Our mission is to create awareness and support for orphaned and senior residents of Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi, Africa.

Dzaleka, Dowa, Malawi

Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi (southeast Africa) hosts an extremely diverse population of refugees and asylum seekers from multiple countries including Rwanda, Burundi, Congo (DRC), Somalia and Ethiopia. Over the past 20 years, the camp has grown rapidly and is currently home to 45,000 people with more still arriving. Available resources are extremely limited for supporting such a huge, underprivileged community – Malawi itself is one of the world’s poorest nations and does not have the infrastructure and means to offer much aid to Dzaleka residents.

Concerned with the well-being of the most vulnerable populations within the camp at the start of the COVID-19 crisis, a group of World Universities Service of Canada (WUSC) students and a few other friends created Little Acts of Kindness with the aim of gathering and sharing information and fundraising options via this website and promoting this information to all who might step in and help via donations of any size. For group members who were once refugees in Malawi or elsewhere, the challenges that Dzaleka residents face is all too real.

Help them to meet basic needs

One month’s food for a family of four. Photo ©There Is Hope

Even though we are all affected by the pandemic, Dzaleka refugees are in the worst possible position as overcrowding makes social distancing nearly impossible and confinement means they are not able to meet basic needs – like enough food and medical care. In recent years, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has reduced the amount of food distributed to a few kilograms that are barely enough to survive on. Recently, the UNHCR has changed its protocol for food distribution so that some refugees have been completely cut off from receiving the already meagre portion they previously received. Pandemic precaution measures which have been implemented require camp residents to stay within camp boundaries – they can no longer make brief outside trips as they usually do to meet their needs, buying and trading with nearby locals.

Based on the current situation, we ask you to consider helping by giving to one of our program initiatives. For those who were also there, or who have benefited from programs that helped us to create new lives, we urge you to give back to your community, bearing in mind that it takes a community to build a community.

If you have comments, suggestions or other information that you think would be helpful, please share it with us and we’ll add it as the site grows.

Community, projects and resources

If you are involved in or know of a project that is designed to benefit Dzaleka and the surrounding community, please share that information with us so that we can help spread the word. View all projects and resources.

Artist Response

Fostering hope through art – poetry, music, photography and more.

Dzaleka Online

Dzaleka Online at is a first step toward registering and making accessible the many community-based organizations (CBOs) that have been developed by camp residents to serve specific groups and interests.


Takenolab is a learning center for information and communications technology (ICT) serving refugees and the host community in and around Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi, Africa.

Tumaini Festival

An annual , regional music and arts celebration taking place in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Malawi.

Dzaleka Connect

Dzaleka Connect is an online portal and directory dedicated to connecting people who have one main thing in common – Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

There Is Hope

Providing access to education, income generating activities and spiritual support to refugees and their host community.


Kibebe designs ethical, eco-inclusive, highly curated products for the international market, to provide employment for refugee and Malawian artisans.

Shop Kibébé

Our partners

IAFR Canada

A Christian-based humanitarian organization working to help displaced people worldwide.

There Is Hope

Providing access to education, income generating activities and spiritual support to refugees and their host community.

World University Service of Canada

World University Service of Canada is dedicated to providing education, employment and empowerment opportunities for youth around the world.

Reach out

If you have questions or want to get involved, including making private, direct donations that will have an immediate impact, please contact us.