Little Acts of Kindness


Photo by Baim Hanif on

WUSC Student Refugee Program

World University Services Canada (WUSC) enables student refugees to pursue their education and rebuild their lives in a supportive environment.

Home Visit

Make private donations to help us share personal stories about daily life in Dzaleka Refugee Camp coming directly from residents.

Salam Zetu – Medical kit shipment fundraiser

An ongoing campaign to raise funds in partnership with IAFR Canada.

Kibébé Covid Appeal

Help to provide 1500 Dzaleka resident households with food, soap and face masks during the pandemic.

GoFundMe campaign for self-made 3D printed masks in Dzaleka

A unique GoFundMe campaign to get materials for residents in Dzaleka Refugee Camp self-printing printing 3D masks against Covid-19.

Reach out

If you have questions or want to get involved, including making private, direct donations that will have an immediate impact, please contact us.